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I spent much of my youth buried under stacks of comic books. Any story involving far off places and fantastical characters I latched onto. Years later I realized the novels, and movies, which impacted me on the deepest level had a spiritual component to them. Whether it was four evacuee children trapped in the snow covered wasteland of Narnia, or hobbits roaming  the scorched topography of Middle Earth, or a young farm boy looking to escape the desert planet of Tatooine.  â€‹All of the hero's relied on a power beyond this world. Looking back I realize that my youthful obsession with these stories was, in fact, a longing for the Divine.


Reality soon pushed these passions aside and I became what's known in some circles as an "adult". I knew there was something more than a 9-5 job and a 401k. There had to be. Long story short, I eventually gave my heart to God.


Today, I write novels with a Christian perspective. Like the stories of my youth, I enjoy tales with an otherworldly component to them. Secular novels that focus on "man" trying to fix "man's problems" simply hold no allure for me. We are here for a blink of an eye and then gone. A true "Happily Ever After" is only attained with an eternal perspective.


It is a mathematical certainty we will all face death one day. Take a moment and consider this. Some may believe they can delay pondering this scenario until old age, but tomorrow is not a guarantee. At forty-five, I'm shocked at how many of my childhood peers have already passed on to eternity.


Romans 10:9 states, "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." 


It's that simple. 


John Theo

October 24, 2017



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